[#title:["us final"], #cat:["us", "po", "li", "ti", "cs"], #Question:[["In The Federalist papers, James Madison expressed the view that political factions", "The framers of the Constitution all believed that one of the primary functions of government is", "Agreement among four justices on the Supreme Court is always sufficient to", "In selecting members of the White House staff, Presidents primarily seek people who", "All of the following statements pertaining to the presidential veto are true EXCEPT", "Which of the following is a correct statement about political action committees ", "A “cloture motion” passed in the Senate does which of the following", "Which of the following factors best accounts for the rise of interest groups and the decline of political parties in recent years?", "Which of the following best characterizes the influence of the news media on public opinion in the United States", "Of the following, which group voted most heavily Democratic in presidential elections between 1964 and 1992"], ["To enforce the Fourteenth Amendment more clearly, Congress passed the", "In the United States, most criminal cases end in", "Those who believe that the Supreme Court in its rulings should defer to the elective institutions of government are advocating", "In general, Congress is most likely to defer to the President", "In trying to influence legislation, the President is generally more successful than congressional leaders in", "Which of the following is true of an executive agreement made between a United States President and another head of state", "All of the following are reasons incumbents in the House of Representatives enjoy an electoral advantage over challengers EXCEPT that incumbents", "The Office of Management and Budget has the primary responsibility for doing which of the following", "The boundary lines of congressional districts are drawn by", "The most common form of political activity undertaken by United States citizens is"], ["Which of the following statements best describes how United States citizens regard the rights of free speech and assembly", "The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to", "The legislative process at the national level reflects the intent of the framers of the Constitution to create a legislature that would", "All of the following are consequences of the federal system in the United States EXCEPT", "Which of the following is true about divided party control of the presidency and Congress", "The Freedom of Information Act was designed primarily to give", "Which of the following is true of the electoral college system", "The congressional system of standing committees is significant because it", "Elections for the House of Representatives provide", "In contrast to revenue sharing, categorical grants-in-aid provide state and local governments with"], ["Which of the following is empowered to create new federal courts and specify the number of judges who will sit on them", "The War Powers Resolution (1973) was designed to", "The primary reason for the current existence of only two major political parties in the United States is that", "An interest group would likely have the greatest influence on policy matters involving", "Which of the following has the most influence on the outcome of a congressional election", "Which of the following is an accurate statement about the voter turnout rate in the United States", "Compared to voters in a general election, voters in presidential primary elections are", "As originally ratified, the United States Constitution included provisions designed to", "Which of the following accurately characterizes the main difference between elite theories and pluralist theories of politics in the United States", "A committee chair in the House of Representatives is always"], ["Communication between congressional representatives and constituents occurs mainly through", "The Supreme Court’s decision about abortion in Roe v. Wade was based on", "Which of the following trends was evident in presidential elections in the 1980’s", "Which of the following statements about incumbent senators running for reelection is correct", "An important change in political culture since 1950 is that United States citizens have become", "The most common criterion that people use when voting for a presidential candidate is the ", "Which of the following has authority over the printing of currency", "Which of the following best defines civil liberties", "The United States Supreme Court has used which of the following to incorporate the Bill of Rights into state law", "Which of the following is true of both members of the House of Representatives and senators"]], #corranswer:[["are undesirable but inevitable in a free nation", "protecting property", "accept a case for consideration", "are personally loyal to the President", "A President may veto part of a bill", "The amount of money that PAC’s can contribute directly to an individual candidate is limited by law", "Cuts off debate on a bill", "Interest groups are better able to articulate specific policy positions than are political parties", "They affect which issues the public thinks are important", "African Americans"], ["Civil Rights Act of 1964", "a plea bargain negotiated by the defense and prosecution", "judicial restraint", "in the area of foreign policy", "using the media to set the policy agenda", "It does not require Senate approval", "get substantial financial support from their party’s national committee", "Preparing the budget", "state legislatures", "voting in presidential elections"], ["A majority agrees in principle with these rights, but in practice, many people are often intolerant ", "make most rights contained in the Bill of Rights applicable to the states", "be cautious and deliberate", "a strict division of power among levels of government", "It reflects a frequent election pattern over the past three decades", "citizens access to information from the executive branch", "It encourages candidates to concentrate their campaigns in competitive, populous states.", "fosters the development of expertise by members", "approximately equal representation for every voter", "funds to administer programs clearly specified by the federal government"], ["Congress", "assure congressional involvement in decisions committing military forces in hostile situations overs", "a winner-take-all electoral system makes it difficult for new parties to emerge and survive", "narrow issues, only a few interest groups, and technical information", "A candidate’s incumbency status", "It is lower than in most other Western democracies", "more likely to be affluent", "increase the economic powers of the central government", "Elite theories argue that a single minority dominates politics pluralist say many factions", "member of the majority party in the chamber"], ["the personal staffs of representatives", "the right to privacy implied in the Bill of Rights", "The decline of Democratic party strength among White southerners", "Incumbent senators are less likely to be reelected than are incumbent members of the House of Repres", "less trusting of governmental institutions and leaders", "party identification", "The Department of the Treasury ", "Provisions in the Bill of Rights that provide guarantees against arbitrary interference by governmen", "Fourteenth Amendment ", "They must be citizens of the United States"]], #distractor:[[["should be nurtured by a free nation", "are central to the creation of a free nation", "are necessary to control the masses in a free nation"], ["educating citizens", "protecting new immigrants from persecution", "ensuring that anyone accused of a crime has the right to legal representation"], ["overturn a lower court’s opinion", "write a majority opinion", "decide the outcome of the case"], ["give the White House ideological balance", "have extensive governmental experience", "will help the President develop a good working relationship with Congress"], ["Presidents often threaten to veto bills to increase their leverage with Congress", "A vetoed bill is often revised and passed in another form", "Congress overrides fewer than ten percent of presidential vetoes"], ["The number of PAC’s has remained stable over the past decade", "PAC’s are illegal in most states", "PAC’s rarely attempt to influence legislation through lobbying activities"], ["Returns a bill to committee", "Criticizes a senator guilty of improprieties", "Removes a President who has been impeached by the House"], ["Interest groups have been more successful in avoiding negative press coverage than have parties", "It is less expensive to join an interest group than to join a political party", "Court decisions have restricted the political parties’ abilities to recruit new members"], ["They alter the public’s views on issues", "They determine how citizens will vote", "They are most able to influence people with the highest level of education"], ["Mexican Americans", "Jewish Americans", "Chinese Americans"]], [["Social Security Act", "Twenty-sixth Amendment", "War Powers Resolution"], ["an appeal to the United. States Court of Appeals", "an appeal to a state court of appeals", "a trial by judge"], ["Social Darwinism", "judicial activism", "incorporation"], ["in the area of fiscal policy", "in the area of social policy", "in the area of economic policy"], ["effectively using formal parliamentary powers rather than persuasion", "satisfying interest group demands for access to the policy process", "enforcing party discipline"], ["It has more legal force than a treaty", "It is binding on all succeeding Presidents and Congresses", "It has been used extensively to end armed conflicts"], ["are better known to voters than are challengers", "find it much easier to raise campaign funds. than do challengers", "often serve on committees that enable them to help the constituency"], ["Approving the budget", "Appropriating funds for the budget", "Implementing federal unemployment policy"], ["state governors", "United States district courts", "the United States Senate"], ["voting in local elections", "contributing money to a political party", "campaigning for candidates for office"]], [["A majority actively supports these rights without any reservations", "A majority opposes these rights in principle", "The average citizen is more supportive of these rights than are members of the elite"], ["limit the use of the legislative veto", "prevent states from taxing agencies of the federal government", "restrict the application of judicial review"], ["be less powerful than the executive", "involve as many citizens as possible", "ensure that all groups be equally represented"], ["decentralization of political conflict", "multiple points of access for interest groups", "opportunities for experimentation in government programs"], ["It is a natural occurrence due to the constitutional system of checks and balances", "It rarely occurs in United States elections, because of straight ticket voting", "It results from the reapportionment of House seats after the decennial census"], ["Congress access to information from the executive branch", "the courts access to information from reporters", "police access to information from criminal suspects"], ["It encourages the emergence of third parties", "It ensures that the votes of all citizens count equally in selecting the President", "It tends to make presidential elections appear closer than they really are"], ["helps Congress reduce staff costs", "insulates decision-making from the influence of special interests", "weakens Congress in its dealings with the President"], ["an equal chance of getting elected for both incumbents and challengers", "proportional representation based on the percentage of votes cast for each party", "proportional representation of racial and ethnic minorities"], ["funds sufficient to support a high level of local service", "the power to impose regressive taxes", "aid that reflects tax base and population"]], [["President", "Supreme Court", "attorney general"], ["ensure funding for military operations lasting more than 60 days", "require a congressional declaration of war before allowing military forces to be used", "allow Congress to suspend certain civil liberties during times of war"], ["voters naturally think of themselves as either liberals or conservatives", "presidential electors can vote for only two candidates", "the Constitution puts severe restrictions on other parties"], ["broad, highly visible national issues", "broad foreign policy issues", "areas in which members of Congress have considerable expertise and commitment"], ["Local performance of a candidate’s party in the presidential race", "The level of support from local party leaders", "The level of voter turnout"], ["It is significantly higher among men than among women", "It increased sharply when eighteen year olds were given the right to vote", "It has been steady over the last 30 years"], ["less likely to be members of political parties", "less likely to be well educated", "more likely to be members of ethnic or racial minority groups"], ["limit the importation of foreign manufactured goods", "increase the economic importance of the agrarian sector relative to that of the manufacturing sector", "expand the states’ powers to regulate their own commerce with foreign countries"], ["Elite concentrate on the role of interest groups; pluralist emphasize the role ofindividuals ", "Elite theories view government as efficient; pluralist theories view it as slow and wasteful.", "pluralist theories argue that wealth is the major source"], ["member with the longest service in the House", "member with the longest service on the committee", "trusted ally of the President"]], [["the federal bureaucracy", "staff members of congressional committees", "the media"], ["guarantees of freedom of religion contained in the First Amendment", "the due process clause in the Fifth Amendment", "the equal protection clause in the Fourteenth Amendment"], ["The decline of Republican party strength among Black northerners", "A Democratic majority in partisan self- identification", "A gender gap, with women’s support of Republicans sharply declining"], ["The amount of money spent by a challenger has little bearing on an incumbent’s re-election chances", "An incumbent senator is equally likely to be reelected or defeated", "The senators with the best chances of reelection are those who have served the longest"], ["more likely to believe that their actions can influence government policy", "less supportive of school integration", "less likely to think of themselves as ideologically moderate"], ["views on specific issues", "ideological position", "fiscal policy"], ["The Office of Management and Budget ", "House Appropriations Committee ", "Council of Economic Advisors "], ["Laws passed by Congress to define the powers and privileges of individuals ", "The freedom to refuse to obey laws an individual considers to be immoral violations ", "Precedents pertaining to criminal procedure that are set by the Supreme Court "], ["necessary and proper clause ", "Judiciary Act of 1789 ", "Voting Rights Act of 1965 "], ["They serve two-year terms of office", "They can have their election chances directly affected by reapportionment", "They must be at least thirty years of age"]]]]